
Showing posts from January, 2020

Project 1 Sketches/ Brainstorm

Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity?  I am very well- rounded when it comes to different things in life. My personality is very complex. I don't think one one could sum it up except for complex (while I'm sure other could say the same too). My artistic practice and style is still developing. However, I do think my identity comes through a little in my artwork. I tend to do things that are important to me and that I can relate to.  How does your presence on social media reflect that identity? I don't have a really big presence on social media. I think that does reflect parts of my identity. I tend to be shy in public and quieter at first. While I use social media apps, I do not actively participate with posting everyday or very often. I use it to check certain things . But I do not strive to have to most likes or followers on Instagram. This part of me is definitely reflected in my identity. I do like the ways social media has neg

Project 1 Brainstorming/ Photoshop experimenting


Franken Animal Project

What characteristics make up your personality? (energetic, talkative, thoughtful, brave) I am very energetic and active. I'd like to think of myself as a strong person. I also consider myself a very kind and generous person. And occasionally I can be very loud. 2.  I s there something distinct about your appearance that feels like an important part of who you are? (Hair, eyes, height, skin color) - I have very dark brown eyes. I am also very tall compared to most of the people I know.  3.  Is there an activity that you love? (travel, building things, singing, climbing) - I love to sing. I also love swimming. I like running and doing yoga. i also love traveling with my family. 4.  Is there a creature that you've felt an affinity to for a long time?   - I love tigers. They are one of my favorite animals. I feel that in my past life I would have probably been some type of cat. I have very good reflexives, I like to climb and I consider myself very active and pla

American Artist

Black and Blue: American Artist Is Redefining How We Think About Race in the Digital Age Written by: Alex Greenberger My comment: This article was different but very interesting. Our generation is definitely having this change and increasing activism shown with digital art. Since technology is so present in today's society, I think people are taking advantage of its resources by creating works of art to engage with controversial issues. I thought it was interesting how the person changed their name to American Artist. It brings up the conversation with what that word means and how it presents their identity. Artist seems very knowledgeable about digital resources and how they can use that to present a message in their art. While I am not very advanced with digital art or technology, I can definitely see how it can play an important role in society since this kind of art is becoming more popular and present in every day life.

Collections Project

Is there something physical you collect? I don't physically collect anything right now. But when I was younger, I did collect seashells on the beach. What digital collections do you have? The only digital collections I have are photographs from my life. I have them stored on my phone and laptop. How does the digital world affect the way we collect? The digital world affects the way we collect things because it is a different way of keep something stored. Instead of physically collecting something like in  your room or home, the technology we have today allows us to save almost any digital information.

HW# 1: Nice to meet you

Response 1: Nice to meet you Who are you? Cate Marcelli, I just turned 20 last Saturday :) a sophomore and an Art Education major. Where are you from? Cherry Hill, NJ Do you have a preferred pronoun? she/her Tell me something about yourself? I have two sisters, I love going to the beach, and my favorite animal is a tiger. What is your major? I am an Art Education Major What kind of art do you like to make (share an image)? I like drawing. I like colored pencils, graphite pencils and pen and ink. I took ceramics during my spring semester as a freshman and really enjoyed that too. This is my friend drawn with colored pencils. What apps/programs on the phone or computer do you use most frequently and what for? I use Chrome for school stuff like Canvas and Gmail to check for updates. I like my music app. I love listening to music while I draw or walk to class. I use Instagram and Facebook occasionally. I love movies and TV shows, so I watch Netflix and Disney+. Who

Google Image Game
