Project 1 Sketches/ Brainstorm

  • Who are you and how does your artistic practice reflect that identity? 
I am very well- rounded when it comes to different things in life. My personality is very complex. I don't think one one could sum it up except for complex (while I'm sure other could say the same too). My artistic practice and style is still developing. However, I do think my identity comes through a little in my artwork. I tend to do things that are important to me and that I can relate to. 

  • How does your presence on social media reflect that identity?
I don't have a really big presence on social media. I think that does reflect parts of my identity. I tend to be shy in public and quieter at first. While I use social media apps, I do not actively participate with posting everyday or very often. I use it to check certain things . But I do not strive to have to most likes or followers on Instagram. This part of me is definitely reflected in my identity. I do like the ways social media has negatively impacted society and how there this age of comparison. 
  • How do your friends reflect that identity? 
I think my friends reflect their identity in different ways than I do, but I respect the way the share their personality with me and the world. 
  • How do your values reflect that identity?
My values are reflected in my identity because I always try to be my best self personally and towards others. If I can do my best and take each day one day at a time thats just always something thats stuck to me.
  • Is there a difference between your internal and external self?
Yes. I have a very different internal self and external self. I think with the journey of "finding your identity" and "finding yourself" is very hard. You go through ups and downs. But I think for me personally I am a different person on the inside than on the outside. I would not say everything is different, that may be extreme. Many core values like respect, kindness towards other, empathy is something I always try to exude. However, internally sometimes when it's revered towards yourself is not the same.
  • How do you present an image that communicates your personality?
I think for me, I'm going to represent multiple images to communicate my personality. Since your personality comes with multiple aspects of your life and who you are, I know I will be incorporating things that mean the most to me, like family and friends and then expressing other sides of me with other images.

My sketched are very rough, but I think I have more of a plan in my head. I also have a lot of pictures downloaded and in a place I can retrieve them easily so I can use it for my project.

My first sketch involves something with have doors- me going into one, and another one with me coming out. In the background with have mountains and some images from my life and things that relate to me.

The second sketch is similar but I tried to rearrange/ change some of the points. I have a trumpet in one of the corners and music sheets underneath. But I was thinking of warping the trumpet for a picture of me to lay on or for something else to sit on top of. The background also involves some personal images and photos from my life. My hope is that since I am still not the best at Photoshop and still learning, most of the skills I will be using will not be too complex. I think my plans involve a lot of masking, maybe using the painting tools, warping, blending or cloning, and maybe some text. But I'll also be able to figure it out as a go. I think I do have a start.
