HW# 1: Nice to meet you

Response 1: Nice to meet you

  1. Who are you? Cate Marcelli, I just turned 20 last Saturday :) a sophomore and an Art Education major.
  2. Where are you from? Cherry Hill, NJ
  3. Do you have a preferred pronoun? she/her
  4. Tell me something about yourself? I have two sisters, I love going to the beach, and my favorite animal is a tiger.
  5. What is your major? I am an Art Education Major
  6. What kind of art do you like to make (share an image)?
    I like drawing. I like colored pencils, graphite pencils and pen and ink. I took ceramics during my spring semester as a freshman and really enjoyed that too. This is my friend drawn with colored pencils.
  7. What apps/programs on the phone or computer do you use most frequently and what for? I use Chrome for school stuff like Canvas and Gmail to check for updates. I like my music app. I love listening to music while I draw or walk to class. I use Instagram and Facebook occasionally. I love movies and TV shows, so I watch Netflix and Disney+.
  8. Who is one of your favorite visual artists (post a  photo)? I don't have a favorite visual artist. I follow this women on Instagram named CJ Hendry. She does hyper- realistic drawings in large scales and I always found her work interesting. 
  9. Who is your favorite musician (share a link)?I don't really have a favorite musician. I mostly like all types of music except for a couple. 
  10. What do you hope to get out of this class?
    I hope that I can learn the basics of these programs like Photoshop, Illustrator etc and I can produce some kind decent product. I consider myself technologically challenged, but I try my best to follow along. I think these types of digital skills are important, so I just hope I can complete the work with the best of my abilities and go from there. 
  11. Can you sit still for an hour? I probably could, but it would definitely be difficult... I usually get fidgety.  I'll either take notes to keep me focused even if we don't really need to, or I'll usually doodle or draw something. 
  12. What is your relationship to visual studies?  My relationship is that I like to draw and feel most comfortable with drawing than any other medium.
  13. What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?  I think that computers and visual studies play an important role now that society is using so much technology. As an artist I think these types of digital skills are important to learn. Artists should being able to upload their artwork and know how to properly save and take pictures of their work. So I think computers and visual studies do go hand and hand. For me, it's just having to learn those skills and have a good understanding of the two.
  14. What is your experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere? As I previously mentioned in one of the other questions, I kind of consider myself "technologically challenged." I don't think computers actually like me, but we tolerate each other. I always work hard and do best best with these types of things, but it is definitely a challenge for me.
  15. Have you ever created a 3D printed object? No, but I've heard other people do it and it sounds really cool!
  16. Do you have a computer at home? If so does it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Mac or PC? I have a Mac. I probably can get Photoshop and Illustrator. I think Temple gives you those resources, but I would need help to get it on my computer or look it up myself. 
  17. Write a five line story.  I found these baby bunnies with my friend when I was little. They were all huddled together underneath our tree house attached to the swing sets. My mother told us to wait so she could take a picture. She specifically told us not to touch them. But being my young self, I touched them before she came back because they looked so cute. 
  18. Post an image from your winter break 
I visited my sister singing with her high school small group at Longwood Gardens.

Class Vote: Would you prefer to have a break or get out at 7:45?  Get out out at 7:45 :)
