
Showing posts from March, 2020

Project 3: Survival Kit

Please post a response to Project 3: Covid-19 Survival Kit 1. This being our first online project, how did our new format change your experience of working in this class?  It was definitely different. I would say that it was harder. Since you did not have the face- to face, in person assistance if you needed it. Though having the share- the- screen tool was very helpful. I was able to talk to someone in the class to get help and we were able to share our screen and get the feedback/ help on zoom. This type of instruction is not ideal, but so far this project was not too hard for me to complete.  2. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically  in the making of this piece? I think technically this was a challenge for me. Even though we had the tutorials and your assistance through zoom if we needed it, it did feel like I taught myself the program through trail and error. I did have help along the way but this was a bit of a challenge. I think cre

Project 2 Response

In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site specific? - I knew I wanted to do something with body positivity. So my sketch with easier for me to make however, it was putting in the time in effort to really think where this piece should be located. I had several ideas on where to put this piece . First I thought maybe I should put it on a mirror at the gym near my home. But then I had to think about who would be seeing it at my home gym. And since this is a message I want to continue to emphasize and advocate, maybe that would not be the right place. I thought about the Tyler bathroom mirror, or a Tyler stall, but what would that say about being in an art school and self love. Obviously self - love and acceptance of yourself is important concept to think about, but I didn't think that matched yet. When I thought about one of the gyms on campus, I thought this would better emphasize my idea. Since many students and people can relate to the uncomfortable o

Blog 4 Video Response

I thought the videos were very interesting. It was interesting to see how the camera and movement of the camera affects the way the scene is interpreted. I thought that it was smart to have some kind of underlying motion in each frame like the nature aspects. Even though the main subject may be moving, to have weather incorporated like rain, wind, fire, snow, is something I would not have even thought about. It was cool how the editing space and time video switched to different worlds so quickly. It is a different way to think about how you want viewers to interpret/ see things in your frame. The video also explained how the man really changed parts of editing animation. The how to structure a video essay also explained some valid points. Rather than connecting scenes, its connecting thoughts. I never really thought about it, but they gave the example that when you have two storylines, when one reaches its peak point, you then switch to the other story till that reaches it peak poi

Vinyl Project 2
