Project 3: Survival Kit

Please post a response to Project 3: Covid-19 Survival Kit

1. This being our first online project, how did our new format change your experience of working in this class? 
It was definitely different. I would say that it was harder. Since you did not have the face- to face, in person assistance if you needed it. Though having the share- the- screen tool was very helpful. I was able to talk to someone in the class to get help and we were able to share our screen and get the feedback/ help on zoom. This type of instruction is not ideal, but so far this project was not too hard for me to complete. 
2. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece?

I think technically this was a challenge for me. Even though we had the tutorials and your assistance through zoom if we needed it, it did feel like I taught myself the program through trail and error. I did have help along the way but this was a bit of a challenge. I think creatively and conceptually I did a good job. I had somewhat of a plan and idea when the prompt was assigned. I knew that my shape was going to be based off of a rectangle which was an easier shape to complete. So I knew I had to make other things part of the journal to make it more complex and personal.
3. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough?

I think just not having the in- person assistance to ask you for help even if it was a simple question. Being online changes those interactions. I know we cannot change that factor, but I do think that made it more challenging. But I think a good outcome of this change is having to problem -solve and try to figure things out for yourself. I definitely learned a lot about zoom and tinker cad by having to experiment
 on my own.

4. Reflect on the project critique: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not.

I think the feedback I received was helpful. People noted things about the journal's color and why maybe the gray color choice was good; in case I am able to print it out, painting it would be a bit easier than having a darker color. I also appreciated when people noted the my signature making the journal seem more personal. It took my a while to write my name using the scribble tool, but it came out as I wanted it- it did accomplish having that personal feel.

5. Was there anything that your professor could have done to better support you thought this project?

No, I think you did a good job at telling us your availability and how Canvas is the best place for any emails. For the Premiere project, since it seems it is a more complicated program, maybe if a lot of the class does have personal questions about their project, we could almost have like time slots for your help through zoom. You always say you are available for the rest of class (for times that we ended earlier/ experimenting with tinkercad). I think one time I was going to ask you a question or something, (there is also a possibility I didn't do it right) or maybe you were still with another student, but it took too long so I just ended the call hoping I would figure it out. So maybe if one of the zoom class check ins it seemed that a lot of students had individual questions, we could almost have this schedule for each person. For example like someone is from 640-645, then I'm from, 650-655 and so on. It would be so that we could join the call when we know you'll be there? I don't know if this will really work

6. Please share any other thoughts.

For the Premiere project, since it seems it is a more complicated program, maybe if a lot of the class does have personal questions about their project, we could almost have like time slots for your individual help through zoom. You always said you are available for the rest of class (for times that we ended earlier). I think one time I was going to ask you a question or something, (there is also a possibility I didn't do it right) or maybe you were still with another student, but it took too long so I just ended the call hoping I would figure it out myself. So maybe if one of the zoom class check ins, it seemed that a lot of students had individual questions, we could almost have this schedule for each person to call with you (during the rest of the class). For example like someone is from 640-645, then I'm from, 650-655 and so on. It would be so that we could join the call when we know you'll be there? I don't know if this will really work or if its actually feasible but it was just a thought. 

Also, I know you mentioned last night about the 4th/ final project being possibly optional or not. I think for me, it will depend on how the tutorials go for the premiere program. If it does seem a bit more complicated, I think it might be better to have this as our last project- but that means that the project would be a little more longer and maybe harder so we have the time and experimentation with the program to make a really good project. However, I do think it would be a good idea to make the 4th project extra credit because just in case I do have the time, or feel that I am comfortable with trying to make something usually the different programs we have learned. For me, this quarantine experience I feel like is actually giving me more work than I actually had when I was at school (not for this class, we've kept it at a similar work level). But now I feel like other classes are trying to compensate for not having in- class time, as well as having homework, making me sit with my laptop for hours and hours (haha which I'm sure you understand). 

Covid-19 survival kit

A global virus is causing varying levels of concern. You have been asked to self-quarantine for at least two weeks, and will have no access to other people.   

What would you pack in your survival kit to make it through the week?  
Make a list on your blog.  

Use this post to reflect on how this current moment if affecting you. 

You will choose one of these items digitally sculpt into a 3D model.

-colored pencils 
- books
- food
- headphones
- nail polish
- journal and pen
- jumprope
- seltzer 
- books
- sneakers (slippers)

Currently these past couple days have been difficult. I'm with my family which is fine but the whole situation is altogether inconvenient. I paid for an education to be in person, but unfortunately we have to move online for safety precautions. The self- quarantine aspect is hard because I'm mostly stuck. I have been very agitated, fidgety and  antsy. I feel like I always need to move or take a walk because you are seeing the same setting everyday. I am fortunate enough to have activities, games, my sisters and homework to keep me busy,  but overall this experience is not something I would want to happen again.
