Vandals or Visionaries Article Response

In your response please make your opinion clear, if you do not have opinion discuss why not.

The article addressed interesting points about street art and the rights vs. wrongs about how people perceive this type of art. In my opinion, I always found the occasional street art refreshing and interesting to look at. Of course, there are times when street art expresses vulgar or inappropriate language references. In those cases, I would not say I would encourage that kind of art making, however, someone must of wrote it/expressed themselves for a legitimate reason. There is also the discussion about how art, especially street art, makes use of the space and the street it is located on. One part of the article stated that "if a work of street art is removed from its urban setting and preserved in a museum, the meaning of the work is diminished, devoid of its distinctive meaning” (Willard, 99) I thought that concept was really interesting because that is very true. If art was made on the street, its purpose was to serve the people on the street or the public in that area. Whereas art in a museum setting gives another meaning. Thats's why I think street art is very different and interesting to me. The fact that it can be temporary also sends another message. It may only be seen by a few people or hundreds of people which makes a statement. However, I realize that some people are against street art because of what street art implies and what that says about altering the original state of something. Personally, I like seeing street art here and there in Philadelphia. It changes the scenery. The article also mentioned how depending on the art, it can make a run down neighborhood look very beautiful.  "Practitioners sometimes refer to the purpose of urban knitting as beautifying a public space, by covering a brutish, broken, or dingy urban space with colorful yarn creations, as in Sayeg’s 2010 covering of a hated public art display in Austin" (Willard, 116) Overall, I would not say that I want to see street art everywhere I look because then it takes away from the significance and meaning of the artwork. Street art in my opinion is a different form of art, but still encouraged when it has the right intentions.
