Photoshop Project 1

  1. How do you feel about the overall outcome of this piece in relation to your art making process?
The overall product is something I should be proud of because I was able to actually complete a project using Photoshop, but its definitely still a work in progress. The overall art making process and a computer is still not my favorite. So I cannot say working on this piece was my favorite, however, I managed to complete it to the best of my abilities.

2. In what way did you integrate your personal art practice into this project?

 I put one piece of my art on the white door in my composition. I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate my practice of personal art into this kind of digital art. I think my ways of thinking of art was probably incorporated into this first project. I knew what I was comfortable with, so I did my best to complete what I knew. 

3. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece?

Personally, just using Photoshop was a challenge for me. I think I understand some of the basics with Photoshop and this project helped you engage in all of the skills we learned. But in terms of challenges conceptually, my piece probably lacked in that area. I was not confident in the project and I think I had a hard time then being able to portray myself in deeper ways into digital art.

4. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough? 

By the end, completing the project in general was getting harder. I had to work a little on the weekends and when I am just by myself, it is harder to do Photoshop things on my own. I tried to use some of the videos and links on Canvas but it is still different working at home than in class. Also just the project itself was difficult for me. Visually presenting my identity in a compositionally interesting format is hard, especially since I don't like talking about myself or using seeing pictures of me. So I definitely struggled in that sense too (which I know the class also felt was difficult to portray).

5. Reflect on the project critique: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not?

The feedback was helpful. I know myself and I know how I practice my art.  Most of the time I can be very literal. But sometimes with other people's art, I think too much symbolism is cheesy. So I try to avoid some of the "this object represents this" if its overly used (although used correctly, symbolism can be very powerful). But I do think it is important to think differently in terms of my art. I can try to find ways to expand on one area of myself and further look into that side to create something.  I know the outcome of the project seemed basic and literal. I have some ideas on how I can improve things for next time. But since it was only the first project, and digital art is very new to me, I think I did as well as I thought I would for something I am not as confident in.

6. Please share any other thoughts.
